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NES is presenting a discussion on world economics featuring Irish economist, columnist, and TV presenter, David McWilliams. The discussion will be moderated by Gerard Michael MacCarthy, founder of Irish Week
The discussion will include an overview of the global economic situation:
David McWilliams is an Irish economist, journalist, author and documentary filmmaker. David is Adjunct Professor of International Economics at the school of business in Trinity College Dublin. He is ranked amongst most influential economists in the world. He is the author of five bestsellers, one of which “The Pope’s Children” is the best-selling non-fiction book published in Ireland in the past twenty years. He writes a weekly column for the Irish Times and is a regular contributor to the Financial Times as an author of Punk Economics project.
David has dedicated his professional activities to the goal of making the economy accessible and understandable to the widest possible audience. In this regard, together with Irish Week guest Richard Cook, he co-founded Kilkenomics economic stand-up festival, which The Financial Times contributor Simon Kuper called “the best economic conference he visited”.
McWilliams worked as an economist at the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank of Ireland), was chief economist at Swiss Bank UBS, the largest in Europe, and directed the research of emerging markets in the National Bank of Paris (Banque Nationale de Paris).
Gerard Michael MacCarthy is the former head of Enterprise Ireland, the Irish government agency for exports, innovation and investment in Russia/CIS. He was the Irish Trade and Commerce representative on the Ireland-Russian Joint Economic Commission from 2011-2018. He is also a writer, film director, producer and scriptwriter, and is the co-founder of Irish Week.
The Q&A session will be in English only.