• 28 января 2019, понедельник
  • Москва, Сколковское шоссе д.45, к. 114

Презентация корпоративного и инвестиционного блока ВТБ Капитал

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Российская экономическая школа (New Economic School)
1916 дней назад
28 января 2019 c 19:00 до 21:00
Сколковское шоссе д.45, к. 114

Master Class: Presentation of VTB Corporate and Investment Bank from a Quant/Exotic trading perspective.

This Master Class aims to offer an insight into the day-to-day life of the trading floor of one of the largest Russian CIB. The master class will start by a brief presentation of the investment bank industry followed by a case study, during which students will have an opportunity to discover a full lifecycle of a complex financial product. This is a unique opportunity to find out the real life cases and learn from market practitioners.    

This class will be followed by the Q&A sessions, where all participants will be able to ask their questions and find out more information on VTB Group. Please, also, bring your CVs to be considered as candidates for our Front Office open positions.


VTB Group’s Corporate Investment Business is a leader in the international investment banking sector in Russia. The company offers a wide range of services on both the Russian and international capital markets. According to the league tables by Dealogic, Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg and Mergermarket VTB Capital is ranked top three on debt and equity capital markets as well as across M&A advisors in Russia and the CIS, CEE and MENA. VTB Capital operates in London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Zug, Frankfurt am Main, Sofia and Vienna, with headquarters in Moscow.


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