• 5 ноября 2019, вторник
  • Москва, Сколковское шоссе, 45

Quantitative Research, AI & Machine Learning Insight Event - J.P. Morgan (London)

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Российская экономическая школа (New Economic School)
1634 дня назад
5 ноября 2019 c 19:00 до 21:00
Сколковское шоссе, 45

Dear students and graduates,

You are cordially invited to attend J.P. Morgan Quantitative Opportunities Event at NES on November 5th.

We’re looking for talented individuals to join our Quantitative Research, AI & Machine Learning teams, and help shape the future of our firm.

Investments in these areas are changing our industry and the way we work. Today, our data analytics capabilities enable us to serve and protect our customers and clients with greater depth, sophistication and efficiencies through innovations such as artificial intelligence, distributed ledgers, machine learning, natural language processing and bots, while our QR teams develop and maintain sophisticated mathematical models, cutting-edge methodologies, and infrastructure to value and hedge financial transactions ranging from vanilla flow products to high and low-frequency trading algorithms.

Join us to find out more about the teams hiring into this field and have the opportunity to meet some of our employees.


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