• 7 октября 2019, понедельник
  • Москва, Сколковское шоссе, 45

Presentation of Barcelona Graduate School of Economics master programs

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Российская экономическая школа (New Economic School)
1662 дня назад
7 октября 2019 c 17:30 до 19:00
Сколковское шоссе, 45

Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. Presentation of Barcelona Graduate School of Economics master programs.

The Barcelona GSE is a leading institution for graduate education and research in Economics, Finance, and Data Science. Our key mission is the training of the next generation of economists and data scientists by offering world-class programs taught by leading faculty in their field.

We bring talented, motivated students from more than 50 countries to Barcelona and connect them with top-ranking researchers, experienced teaching faculty, international alumni, and a strong recruiter network.

The objective of our rigorous nine-month Master’s programs is to prepare graduates for professional and academic careers that require intense analytical thinking and a flexible mindset.


What makes Barcelona GSE stand out?


  • Nobel Laureates help to develop the Master’s

Our Scientific Council of more than 30 leading academics including 11 Nobel Laureates in Economics provides strategic guidance for program development.


  • Ranked in the Top 10 institutions in Europe for Economics research (RePEc)

We are also ranked in the Top 20 Economics departments worldwide by RePEc. All faculty hold a PhD and have 26 ERC grants between them. Our low student-to-staff ratio helps students to cultivate close relationships with the faculty.


  • Our graduates get competitive jobs

94% of graduates placed within 6 months of completing the master’s degree, thanks to our  dedicated Career Services department that brings recruiters to campus from a variety of organizations.


  • Life in Barcelona

With seven universities and numerous research institutions, Barcelona offers one of Europe’s most inspiring environments for students and academics to live and study.

This intellectually appealing atmosphere coupled with the Barcelona GSE’s location on the campuses of two internationally ranked universities puts our students in the heart of a dynamic academic environment.


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